What does Hull PTO do?
The Hull Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) raises funds to sponsor year-round events at all three Hull Public Schools. We support educational activities and items including: class field trips, in-school cultural programs, books, school garden education, special guests and speakers, after-school and enrichment opportunities, and support for technology in the classroom.
Annual PTO-Sponsored Events
Welcome Back Staff Breakfast
Hull PTO hosts a breakfast for all Hull Public School Staff members at the beginning of each school year.
Parent Teacher Conference Dinners
Hull PTO hosts our teachers the evening of their conferences with students families.
L.M.Jacobs School Garden
Hull PTO has established a partnership with Holly Hill Farm to bring education to the school garden. Hull PTO depends on the help of parent volunteers to keep the school garden going all year long
Encouraging the students of L.M.Jacobs School to read is an easy task in winter with abundance of snow! The students read over 350,000 minutes collectively, raising thousands of dollars to benefit their own enrichment. Awesome!!
Jacobs Express
Hull PTO presents each year before winter break, the school transforms into a themed winter wonderland! Students come to school in their pajamas and the day is filled with winter games, music, crafts and pure joy!
Hull High School WoodShop Aprons
Hull High School Mock Trial
Hull High School National Honor Society
Hull High School Huntington Theater
Hull High School Advisory Day
Hull High Senior Hull PTO Award
Hull High Senior BBQ
Hull High Auschwitz Virtual Live Tour
Middle School Nature’s Classroom
Middle School Geography Gameshow
Middle School BSU City Lab Visit
Middle School Enrichment Period Supplies
Middle School Guest Speakers
Jacobs Financial Support of the School Garden
Jacobs Turkey Trot
Jacobs Classroom Butterfly Gardens
Jacobs Freedom Trail
Jacobs Express Day
Jacobs Art Show & Ice Cream Social
Jacobs Zoo & Farm Field Trips
and more!