Arts Alive Day at Jacobs School
Arts Alive Day
Friday, March 23, 2018 1-2:30pm
The 10th annual Jacobs School Arts Alive Day is fast approaching! We are looking for both guest artists and parent/guardian volunteers to make the day a success.
Arts Alive is PTO-sponsored arts-immersion day for Jacobs School students. During the school day, artists visit each classroom to demonstrate and lead the children in a wide range of art activities. In the morning, Crocodile River Music will teach the students about the music, art and culture of Africa, including a dance workshop for each grade.
We are seeking guest artists to volunteer in each classroom from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Guest artists will teach children about their chosen medium and then lead the kids in an art-related activity. Both professionals and hobbyists are welcome.
We are looking for a wide range of talents in both visual and performing arts. Past artists have included Zumba instructing, basket weaving, yoga, drama, painting, opera, martial arts, piano, Origami, banjo, guitar, culinary arts… even boat building! If you have an idea you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me and we can brainstorm on how to make it work!
Classroom volunteers are needed to assist the artists and the children during their classroom activities. We would like to get at least one volunteer per classroom to help from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
To sign up to be a guest artist or classroom volunteer, please feel free to contact me directly and/or fill out the form below.
Thank you for your help,
Alexandra Varney McDonald